The Billionaire and the Waitress Page 2
After a relatively short time, Chelsea was back and as he’d guessed, she set a plate in front of him that could feed a small family. A large steak sub with sides of fries and onion rings crowded an enormous plate. The only thing green was the pickle that held pride of place in the center. “This looks good.” He meant that. Many a night he’d shaken his head at paying an enormous price for a meal, only have to go home and make himself something or order in. No sandwiches were going to be needed after this; he may not ever need to eat again. The thing that really surprised him was that Chelsea set her own identical plate opposite him.
She sat down and took an enormous bite of her sandwich, poking a fry in her mouth for good measure. “Sorry,” she said after she swallowed. “I’m starving.”
She must have noticed him staring. He didn’t come across as rude. It didn’t bother him; on the contrary, it was refreshing to see a woman who wasn’t afraid to eat. There was nothing worse than watching a too-thin woman push a lettuce leaf around her plate. Food, like all of life’s passions, should bring on warm feelings. Sometimes comforting, other times exciting. “No, don’t apologize, I love to see a woman enjoy her food.”
“Well, good, but I’d enjoy it a lot more if you weren’t staring at me, so eat your own dinner.”
Josh thought the food was delicious. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d so enjoyed eating dinner with a beautiful companion. Of course it wasn’t a date, just two strangers sharing a meal; interestingly, it didn’t feel that way. It was fun and more than that, it was comfortable. Even though they’d only just met, Josh felt like he’d known Chelsea forever.
“You and your friend were having fun outside before.” He had been more than a little curious at the phone call and then the laughing.
“Soph was just suggesting I have the first dinner break.”
“Uh huh. It seemed a little more than that to me. It looked like you were being naughty.” Once again his pants tightened, this time at the thought of what he’d like to do to this naughty girl. “You weren’t prank calling anyone, I hope.” Oh, shit, had he just said that out loud? The fantasy of her draped over his lap for a sound spanking had rattled his brain and his common sense. He was sure to scare her off with talk like that.
“I wasn’t,” she answered without skipping a beat. “If anyone was being naughty, it was Soph.”
“Really?” Soph could be naughty ‘til the cows came home and it wouldn’t bother him at all.
“No, not really, I was joking. If you have to know, she was calling our boss to see when he’d be back.”
“When will he be back?” He knew he wasn’t coming back until the next day, but he could hardly admit that he’d been listening in on their conversation.
“She was seeing if it was safe for me to take a long break and eat with you without getting caught.”
“Well, then, it looks like I owe Soph a big thank you.”
“So, can I interest you in some dessert?”
“Sure.” He wasn’t sure he could fit it in, but if it meant he could stay a bit longer he’d squeeze it in somehow.
“Sundae or pie?”
“Sundae.” Would it be too forward to ask her to bring one sundae and two spoons? Probably.
“Surprise me.”
* * *
Their spoons were scraping the bottom of the old-fashioned sundae glasses and Josh looked up, realizing the place was empty, except for Sophie who was stacking chairs on tables. He felt a bit like Cinderfella; it was five minutes to midnight and the party was nearly over. Actually it was five minutes to ten, but that didn’t have the same ring to it. All he knew was that he didn’t want it over, not yet, but everything in town would be closed.
“It’s about that time.” Chelsea said, somewhat reluctantly. “I’m going to have to help Soph clean and then we’ll close. It was nice to meet you.”
Hoping to spend a little more time with Chelsea, Josh decided to take a gamble. “I was wondering if you’d like to go somewhere with me when you get off work? We could go for a drive and talk, or you could come back to my room and I could make you coffee?” He watched a wall go up and her eyes lost their sparkle. The gamble had backfired, apparently.
“Thank you, but it’s late and I have to work tomorrow.”
He’d obviously said the wrong thing. Her tone had changed from friendly and open to clipped. “Ok, I wouldn’t want to keep you up if you’re tired.” He hid his disappointment as best he could and stood to leave. “You sure?” No harm in trying one more time, was there?
“I’m sure.”
He nodded and stood up. He pulled more than enough money out of his wallet to cover everything he’d had that day as well as the cost of her dinner and set it down under the napkin holder. “I enjoyed today.”
* * *
Chelsea watched him walk out the door; her heart was heavy. It had been one of the best days she could remember and then he had to go and ruin it. She had allowed herself to actually believe he was enjoying her company as she had his. It would have been different if he’d asked her out on an actual date, but the only place he’d wanted to take her was back to his room. She was a fool for thinking that anyone as good-looking and well-spoken as Josh would be interested in her! He had to have been just after a one-night stand. A bit of fun to fill in time while he was on his way back to his proper life. He probably had conquests in every small town across the country. Well, she wouldn’t be another notch on his bedpost.
“Hey, sis.”
Chelsea shook herself out of her self-indulgent trance at the sound of her brother’s voice. “Hi, Andy. Sorry, I was miles away.”
“What was Josh Wheeler doing in here?”
“Josh who?” How would Andy know Josh’s last name and how did he recognize him on sight?
“The guy who just left?” Maybe he wasn’t talking about the same person.
“Don’t you know who he is?”
Chelsea was stunned by her brother’s incredulous tone of voice. Josh was obviously someone important by the look on Andy’s face, but she didn’t have a clue who the handsome stranger might be. “No. No idea, but obviously you do.”
“He’s just one of the richest men in this country!”
“Sure he is. What would one of the richest men in the country be doing in here?” Surely if he was someone important, he could find somewhere more special to eat than this place. Unless he was looking for a quick and easy conquest, which confirmed her earlier thoughts on why he would ask her back to his room.
Andy shrugged. “No idea, but it was definitely him. I was reading an article about him for school the other day in a magazine. It had his picture and I’m telling you it was definitely him.”
“Honest.” The young man crossed his chest sincerely. “Why would I lie?”
“I don’t know, for some kind of dumb prank.”
“Well, maybe, but I’m not playing a prank, I swear. Wouldn’t it be a giant coincidence if the man in the magazine was a mirror image of a stranger that just so happened to share the same name?”
“Ok, I guess I believe you. Actually he just asked me to go out.”
“He did? What did you say?”
“Um, I said no, of course.”
“Why would you say no? When was the last time you went on a date?”
“None of your business. I’m not in the habit of going on dates with people who I barely know. Besides, it was hardly a date that was on offer. He asked me back to his room for coffee.”
“Ok, I’ll rephrase. When was the last time you had coffee with a guy like that?!”
“I didn’t know he was a guy like that, remember? Anyway, it doesn’t matter, he only wanted one thing.” As soon as those words slipped out, she realized it wasn’t the kind of thing you say to your little brother.
“Ew, thanks for sharing that vision, but I was talking about an actual date. You know, dinner, a movie?”
“He didn’t ask me for any of that, I just told you. It’s not going to happen, little brother, you may as well give up now.” Nothing her brother had said had changed her mind. If anything, it confirmed her thoughts on the man. Why would he be interested in her?
* * *
Josh had held the door open for the young man who entered the diner as he was leaving. As the door closed behind him, he stood there trying to figure out what had gone wrong. He didn’t mind admitting to himself that he had been hurt by Chelsea’s reaction. What was it with him and women? There’d been women who were only after his money, but that couldn’t be the case this time, Chelsea didn’t know he had any money. Besides, even though he’d only just met her, she didn’t give off the vibe of being a gold-digger. It must just be him; maybe he’d been wrong thinking they’d had some chemistry. Maybe he was overthinking things, but he couldn’t help it. The whole day swirled around his brain in slow motion and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Like a song he’d heard on the radio and couldn’t get out of his head.
It had been the most confusing day that he could remember. He’d walked into a very ordinary small town diner to people-watch. Well, that and to maybe get a cup of coffee and some marketing information. Instead he’d found much more. The instant attraction Josh had felt for the cute redhead wasn’t just a one-way thing; he’d been sure she felt it too. It had been a long time since he’d felt that pop of pleasure that comes from knowing a moment is perfect. That you don’t want the person you’re with to walk away for even a minute for fear the magic might be lost. Yet it had ended badly. What had he read wrong? What had he said that scared her off? He had no idea. All he knew was that what he was feeling then and now, what his instincts were screaming at him, felt too real. Surely he hadn’t been wrong. He’d have to stay at least another day. Josh Wheeler didn’t get where he was as the owner and CEO of a billion-dollar software marketing company at such a young age by giving up easily.
Chapter Two
The next morning, Josh woke up early. He wanted to have breakfast at the diner; hell, he wanted to wait out front until they opened, but resisted the urge. He was pretty sure that breakfast would be one of the busiest times of the day. People getting themselves a bite and some coffee before heading out to whatever they did during the day. Lunch would be a better time to get Chelsea’s attention.
He was wrong. Well, he may have been right about breakfast being busy, but apparently lunch was busy too. He had to take a stool at the counter, which may not have been a bad thing if Chelsea hadn’t been ignoring him. He read the menu so many times that he’d memorized its contents, all the while discreetly watching Chelsea as she did her best to not notice him. It was like a weird dance of denial where neither was touching or looking at the other. Finally Sophie appeared, snapping her gum annoyingly.
“What can I getcha?” Sophie asked.
“That’s ok, I haven’t decided. I need to take another look at the menu,” he lied.
“Uh huh. You may as well give your order to me or you’re gonna get mighty hungry. She isn’t gonna serve you.”
“Is Chelsea too busy?” Purposely or otherwise?
Sophie shrugged non-committally.
“Ok, then.” He found it hard to hide his irritation. “I’ll have the burger and fries, please, a cup of coffee and can you give Miss Chelsea a message, please?”
“Sure can.” Sophie grinned widely.
“Tell her I’m not leaving until she talks to me.”
“Will do.” Sophie winked at him and then ran away to the kitchen.
When the two girls came out of the kitchen, it looked like they’d been deep in conversation, but stopped when they crossed the doorway. Josh couldn’t hear what they were saying, but when Chelsea glared at him, he smiled and waved. He would have loved to have blown her a kiss, or better still he’d love to raise the skirt of her uniform and smack the stubborn brat’s butt, but that would be overkill.
* * *
When the lunch rush was over and the place gradually drained of people, Josh stayed right where he was. He would wait all day if he had to. Eventually his patience paid off.
“Ok, you win. I’m here.” Chelsea tucked a stray curl back into her cap, but it bounced right back out again. “I see you’re back here to slum it with us country bumpkins.”
“Pardon?” Josh was more than a little taken back with her rudeness.
“You know what I’m talking about. I know you’re rich and apparently famous, my brother told me last night.”
Her brother? Must have been the young redheaded boy who came into the diner as Josh was leaving. There was a resemblance when he thought about it. “So you’re mad that I didn’t tell you?”
“No. Couldn’t care less. I don’t know why you’re back here, unless you came to have a chuckle at how you got the stupid country hick to think you were really interested in her while all you were trying to do was get her into her pants. I guess that might be pretty funny from where you stand. Just remember, though, that I turned you down.”
“That’s not…” She thought he’d been propositioning her?
“Or maybe you thought you’d string me along for another day. You know, one more try at getting yourself laid before you have to go back to your real life. Well, let me tell you, I’m not that kind of girl!”
Josh’s mouth fell open with shock. “That is the single most insulting thing anybody has ever said to me. I came here in the hope that I might convince you to go on a date with me because I felt a real connection yesterday. Just so you know, I’m not that kind of guy. I asked you back to my room because you told me that everything would be closed. That’s all. I was enjoying your company.” He stood and dropped some money on the counter. “Nice to have met you, Chelsea. I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.”
* * *
“Wow. Someone really pissed him off.” Andy had just brushed past Josh on the way into the diner.
Chelsea stood there blindly staring at the door, trying to remember word for word what had just been said; by Josh and, in fairness, what she’d said to insult him. “Me.” She burst into tears.
Andy draped an awkward arm around his sister. “Man, Chels. He came back and you sent him away again?”
Chelsea nodded. “I really thought he was using me or planning to use me.”
“You can be really hard-headed, you know that?”
She said nothing when he took off, assuming he was mad at her too. There were customers to serve and she did have some dignity left. No point putting on even more of a show than she already had.
* * *
Josh folded the last of his shirts and added the neat pile to his suitcase on top of the other clothes that he’d already packed. He was just about to retrieve his toiletries from the clean but older style bathroom when there was a knock at the door.
“Hi.” He opened the door and found the redheaded kid from the diner there. He really was a younger male version of Chelsea.
“Hi, Mr. Wheeler, I’m Chelsea’s brother Andy.” He put his hand out to shake the older man’s hand.
“I would have guessed. Call me Josh.” Josh waited, wondering what the kid was there to say. He was obviously nervous as hell; it looked like he badly wanted to say something, but the words were sticking in his throat. He could almost see the kid’s mind ticking; he’d probably rehearsed his speech already. What had Chelsea said about him to make the kid this nervous? Or had she put him up to this?
“Thanks, Josh. I wanted to talk to you about my sister if you have a minute.”
Josh opened the door wider and stepped back for the young man, glad that finally he’d found his tongue. “You better come in.”
Andy walked in behind Josh, already continuing his speech before he was all the way through the door. “My sister is a little negative when it comes to guys.”
“Really.” Well, there’s a revelation.
“Yeah.” Andy winced. “I know she must come across as a little, w
ell, nutty. It’s just that she’s been hurt in the past. I know she sent you away and I know she was probably a bit prickly with you in the way she did it. She puts up a wall. Plus, I think she may have jumped to the conclusion that a person like you wouldn’t be interested in her, or something.”
“I see.” Josh continued to pack his bag while the boy talked.
“I think she really likes you and well, I thought maybe you might give her another chance.”
“Even if I was open to having my throat ripped open again, what makes you think she’d want to have anything to do with me?”
“She’s my sister. I know her, she’s sorry she said whatever it was she said, and probably for the way she said it.”
“What makes you so sure she’s sorry?”
“She was crying.”
Josh raised his eyebrows. Where would she get the fool idea that I was too good for her? “I’ll think about it.” He shook the boy’s hand and let him out, taking several minutes to mull over the situation. If there was a chance, he would definitely be interested; he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. “Oh, what have I got to lose?” he said finally to the empty room. “You idiot, you made her cry.”
* * *
“Mark Jenkins.”
“Mark.” Josh had called his best friend and right-hand man at the company. He took care of the financial side of the company, leaving Josh to do what he loved. The two friends chatted business for a few minutes, Mark filling Josh in on anything he felt was important. When there was a lull in the conversation, Josh jumped in. “I think I’m going to take a few weeks of personal vacation time.”
“Oh, really. What’s her name?”
“Am I not entitled to a few weeks’ vacation without the third degree?” Josh’s voice was laced with humor and his friend knew him too well.
“Yes, but as your best friend and business manager, surely I’m entitled to a few details. After all, this is your major contribution to our software company; your undercover fact-finding missions that you love so much. Haven’t had much, only facts about software for a while, so you may as well give me some of the good stuff. What’s she look like?”