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An Unexpected Husband Page 7
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Page 7
“Hello?” Skye answered. She went white. It was the super in her building. She’d completely forgotten to cancel the order from the baby store. He’d had to let them in to deliver all the stuff. She thanked him and hung up.
“Something wrong?” Shaun asked.
“No, no.”
“Something is wrong.”
“NO it isn’t,” she said. “That was the super. He was just telling me he signed for something for me.”
“Oh, ok. Something important?”
“Um, no. You know what? Why don’t we stay at your house tonight?” Shaun frowned suspiciously.
“No reason.”
“Seriously, I’m asking you why?”
“Does there have to be a reason? If you don’t want me there you can just drop me off and go home.” Shaun looked at her sideways. He could tell she was picking a fight but he couldn’t figure out why. All he knew was it had something to do with that phone call.
* * *
“I’ll be staying at your apartment like we planned.”
Skye burst into tears.
“Why don’t you just tell me,” he said. “You know I’m going to find out. What could be so bad?”
She picked at her fingernails. “I forgot to do something.”
“What? Did you leave the stove on or something?”
“No,” she said with a sob.
“Then what honey? You’re worrying me.”
“You’ll see when we get there but I was going to fix it. Honest.”
“Fix what? Seriously Skye. I’m not messing. I want you to tell me, now.”
“You were being bossy, when we were at my parent’s house.”
“What? When I told you to be nice to your Mom?”
She nodded. “You were threatening to spank me.”
“You were being a brat.”
“You made me go shopping with her. So I let her shop. A lot.”
“Oh Skye, how much?”
“Um, quite a bit.”
“Quite a bit doesn’t tell me how much.”
“About eight thousand dollars,” she wailed.
“You’re joking! To make a point that you don’t need anyone telling you the right way to behave, you let you Mom spend all that money that they may not be able to afford?”
“I feel terrible! I realized it was stupid and I was going to cancel the order but I forgot!”
“How did she pay?”
“Credit card.”
“How could you mess with your parent’s finances like that? How did you even convince her to do it?”
She hung her head and he could tell there was more and he had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t going to like it. Not at all. “Skye.”
“I, I told her that I was worried about what would happen.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I told her that we’d struggle on one salary when I went on maternity leave.”
“Why would you say that?!” he asked. He didn’t understand, he really didn’t.
“I knew that it would embarrass you.”
“Wow. You. Wow.”
“I don’t know what was wrong with me when I was there. I’m sorry Shaun…really.”
“You will be.”
Shaun didn’t say anything else. Neither did Skye. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she stared out of the window. She sniffled every now and then, occasionally glancing over at him to measure how angry he was. He was plenty angry.
* * *
By the time they finally parked outside Skye’s building she was very worried. Not really worried that Shaun would punish her, that was pretty much a given. She was more worried that he wouldn’t. Her biggest fear was that he’d just be so disgusted with her that he’d just leave.
“Are you still angry?” She asked when he made no move to get out of the car.
“No…not really. I’m surprised, that you’d be so conniving, just to make a point. A moot point I might add. You obviously DO need to be told what to do.” She hung her head.
“So you’re not going to leave me?”
“No of course not, but you need to know something.”
“I am going to spank you and it isn’t going to be a few smacks over your panties.”
“You can’t hurt me. I’m pregnant.”
“I promise you I won’t do anything that would hurt you or the baby.”
“Am I going to have to tell my Mom and Dad what I did? My Mom will be broken hearted.”
“I honestly don’t know your Mom well enough to make that call,” he said. “I’m going to call your Dad and tell him, let him tell me the best way to go.”
“He won’t be so angry with me if you tell him.”
“I’m not doing it this way to cover for your naughty ass. I’m doing it this way to protect your Mom, the innocent bystander.”
“And the baby stuff will all go back, except for the stroller.”
He frowned and shook his head at her and her tummy flipped right over.
Chapter Five
“Holy cow!” Shaun said as they entered what resembled a baby store more than an apartment. “Did you buy up the entire store?”
“No of course not.”
“That was a rhetorical question.”
“Oh.” Skye wandered around running her hands over things. Skye smiled. “This is so cute.”
“Skye,” Shaun warned. “Don’t touch or open anything.”
“I’m not. Geez. I’m just looking.”
He frowned. He could have sworn with all the trouble she was already in that there was still a hint of an attitude. He took her hand. “Come on,” he said.
He sat on the bed and started to remove her clothes.
She tried to shrug him off.
“Stop it,” he said. He lifted her t-shirt over her head, stopping to raise an eyebrow as she tried to stop him. “This is punishment, a punishment you truly deserve. Do you agree that you’ve earned a punishment spanking?”
Skye’s bottom lip wobbled. “I don’t want you to take off my clothes.”
“Fine I’ll compromise on that as it’s the first time we’ve done this. You can remove your own clothes.”
“I don’t want to do that either,” she whined.
“Do it,” he said sternly. “Or I’ll do it for you.”
She set her lips in a thin line and crossed her arms.
Shaun shook his head. This woman was more frustrating than any child he’d ever taught.
“No Shaun!” she squealed when his hands went to undo her jeans. “I don’t know why you’re taking off ALL my clothes. You only need my ass. OW!”
Shaun had wrestled her pants down and smacked her bottom.
“Hush. You don’t get to decide this time.”
“That sucks,” she said clapping her hand over her mouth as soon as it escaped. “Did I say that out loud?”
“Uh huh,” he said smacking her bottom over her panties again before he lowered them. He removed the rest of her clothing piece by piece until she stood before him completely naked. “Behave yourself. Stand there until I tell you to move or I’ll give you extra.”
Shaun watched the heat creep slowly up Skye’s neck to flood her face with colour. He could tell it was killing her to not be able to cover herself. Particularly her belly. Embarrassment was seeping out of her in so many ways. She was blushing and shuffling from leg to leg. Her fingers were opening and closing into fists and it was taking all of her control to stand there and not talk back or turn away from him. He was impressed though, hard as she’d found it, she’d done as he asked. Finally he pointed to the corner.
“I’m not a child. I don’t wanna to stand in the corner,” Skye whined. He rolled his eyes. One step forward and two steps back. He turned her around and slapped her naked bottom, harder this time and pointed to the corner again. She stomped her bare foot on the carpet but slowly dragged her
self over to the corner anyway, be it with a scowl on her face. Shaun sighed and then took her phone out of her pocket. He needed to get her Dad’s number so he could call and see what he could do to fix this mess.
While he was talking to a very unimpressed Rob, he walked around looking at the bounty of goods. Ron had been astounded at both Skye’s behaviour AND Maddie’s. By the time he hung up he was pretty certain that Skye’s mother would be getting an earful from her husband.
He had to admit, some of the things were actually very cute and some were very useful. What he wanted though was to go shopping WITH Skye to choose what they needed for their baby.
Looking at all the things that a baby needed though made his mind boggle. Wow, they were actually going to have a child. There would really be a baby sitting in a car seat very much like this one, or sleeping in a crib like this. His Mom was right, he needed to make an honest woman of Sky and there wasn’t much time to lose.
* * *
“Was he mad?” Skye asked when Shaun came back into the room. She’d heard him talking in a low tone but couldn’t make out what was being said.
“I’m not going to talk to you about that at the moment.” He sat on the bed and crooked his finger for her to come to him.
She chewed the inside of her cheek and turned to face the corner again. Suddenly, she seemed to like it there.
“Skye…come here.”
“Can I put my T-shirt on?”
She stayed where she was, she hated her bump showing.
“Now, come here. If I have to come get you you’ll get extra.” He had to try really hard not to smile as with a pout a five year old would be proud of, Skye covered herself as best she could with her hands and slowly walked over to him. She really didn’t want to but even she realized that she’d probably pushed her luck enough for one day. He patted the bed beside him. Relieved with the temporary reprieve, she sat and he took her hand.
“Why are you in trouble?” Shaun asked seriously.
“You know why,” Skye said. She found this all extremely humiliating.
“I want to make sure YOU know why.”
“I do know why.”
“Then tell me.” He was trying to keep his patience, he really was, but it wasn’t easy.
“I used my Mom to get at you.”
“Why?” he asked.
She shrugged. “I told you in the car.” Really? She thought. Was it really necessary to repeat everything?
“Tell me again.”
Apparently it was, she thought. She almost giggled, she managed to stop herself just in time. She really didn’t think it was at all funny. It was more of a nervous hysterical kind of laugh. She doubted by the look on Shaun’s face he would have seen it that way though. “You were threatening to spank me for being mean to my Mom.”
“It wasn’t a threat,” he said pointedly. “So you were mean to your Mom and then you promised to be nice. I trusted you and then you used her to make me look silly by saying that I couldn’t provide for us.”
“I guess.” Geez, he was making it sound terrible. She hadn’t meant to humiliate him that much had she?
“You did and you lied. You told your Mom that we couldn’t manage on one salary when you knew I had money coming in from the business.”
Oh yeah, she had. “I’m sorry,” she said, her eyes filling with tears. She did deserve a spanking she realized, but she already knew that.
He nodded. “I know you are.”
Shaun guided her over both of his knees, making sure to spread his legs so there was no pressure on her bump. After putting his arm around her tightly to hold her in place he started spanking hard and fast. He didn’t want to keep her over his knee any longer than he needed to so he made each smack count.
* * *
“Holy crap!” Skye yelled after the third spank. That got her a sharp smack on her calf. Note to self, she thought. No swearing. Specially when a large man is pummelling your ass. “Stop, stop, stop. It hurts!” she begged to no avail. Skye had no idea that a spanking could hurt that much. As Shaun’s hard hand bounced off her burning bottom in rapid fire fashion she kicked and squealed and tried to wriggle away but her attempts were futile. His grip was very firm, and so were the spanks that pelted her aching bottom.
Her mind tried to remember the stingy spanks that had titillated her when they were about to or while they WERE making love. It felt so good when Shaun had spanked her cheeks until they were warm and pink. His fingers wandering. His fingers weren’t wandering now, they knew exactly where they were going and her ass felt more like it was actually on fire than warm. She hated to admit it though, the titillation was still there. Embarrassment flushed her face again with colour that almost matched the red splotches that covered her inferno like backside. She tried to keep her legs together so Shaun wouldn’t see how his punishment had affected her but it was impossible to kick and keep your legs still at the same time. She was beside herself and could do nothing more than to burst into tears.
Shaun HAD seen the tell-tale sign of her arousal, but he forced himself to focus his mind on what was important right now. He landed several spanks to the underside of her bottom and down the backs and insides of her thighs. When her body gave in and shook with sobs, he finished the spanking and helped her to stand. She grasped both cheeks and danced up and down on the spot.
“I…t h…ur…ts!” she said through her tears, emotion catching in her throat.
“I know,” he said gently. “That’s the point, but it’s over now.” She threw her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shirt.
“Shhh,” he soothed. “You’re forgiven Skye.”
“Really? You’re, not, still, angry at me?”
“No, of course not and yes really, it’s all over.”
“Is my Dad mad at me?”
“He wasn’t thrilled but he’s softer than me, he put it down to hormones.” That made her smile through her hitched breaths.
“What’s he going to tell my Mom?”
“That I wouldn’t let you keep any of the things besides the stroller.”
“She’ll be mad at you then.”
“Maybe, I don’t think so though.”
“Thank you. For fixing it for me.”
“It’s ok,” he said. He pulled back the covers on the bed. “Hop in. Time for you to get some sleep, it’s been a long day. You look tired.”
“Aren’t you coming to bed?”
“In a little while.”
Skye climbed into bed but she was disappointed. Her bottom was sore but she still wanted him.
He kissed her briefly and then got up. He had to go arrange for the stuff to be collected and returned the next day.
* * *
Shaun stood and watched as Skye squirmed and moaned in her sleep. He shook his head, and climbed in beside her and pulled her up against him.
“You ok?” he asked when she woke a little startled.
“I. I was dreaming.” You sure were, he thought.
“Uh huh. I noticed,” he said with a chuckle. He rubbed her still warm cheeks before snaking his hand between her legs. “You’re drenched.”
She smiled in the dark. “Unless that’s a gun, you’re pretty ready yourself.”
“Mmhmm,” he said slipping his cock into her from behind. “Oh Skye.”
Her fingers trailed delicately around her belly and between her legs until they found her engorged clit. While he pumped in to her from behind, his teeth grazing her back and neck, sending delicious shivers down her spine.
He turned on his back. “Hop on top,” he said huskily. “Please,” his eyes begging.
* * *
She did as he asked, hovering above his swollen cock for just a split second before sliding down on top of it revelling in the feeling as it sank deep. He squeezed her sore cheeks and she hissed before starting to rock, gently at first and then she threw her head back and rode him, fast.
“Oh God,” she said as the familiar t
ingle started. He pulled her forward so he could take first one nipple and then the other in his mouth. Skye let out a guttural moan as Shaun grunted and gripped her hard in a final thrust and they both fell over the edge together.
* * *
“Hi,” Skye said, padding into the kitchen. “The stuff went early.”
“Yeah,” he said. “We got lucky and I made you some pancakes.”
“Thanks. I’m starving.”
He watched as she tucked into her pancakes eagerly, after smothering them with syrup first of course. That was one of the things that he loved about her. She liked her food and she didn’t feel she had to hide that fact, even though she was a little self-conscious of her bump.
“I thought you might be.” He took a deep breath. “Skye? Have I told you what a pleasant surprise it was to me to find you in that classroom that day?”
“No,” Skye said with a grin. “You haven’t. You seemed more shocked than happy about it.”
“Well it was. I really wanted to hear from you. When I saw you that day, it was amazing. Like a dream come true.”
“I did want to call.” Her eyes filled with tears at his raw honesty.
“I wish you had.”
“I did feel like we had something special,” she said honestly.
“So did I.”
“Yeah but I was Scarlett. Scarlett didn’t exist. Not really. She was, she wasn’t me. I didn’t think you’d want to hear from Skye, you didn’t even know her but I’ve already explained all this.”
“I know, but you didn’t tell me why you went to the island in the first place.”
“I was acting the part of a woman who was, well easy, fun, experienced.”
“That was the plan. I mean I wasn’t a virgin or anything, but my experience was limited.”
He waited while she chewed and swallowed a mouthful and took a drink. She seemed to be assembling her thoughts.
“When I was young. I lost my virginity in the back of a car after a party. There was a couple of times after that but they left me feeling empty and I realized it should be more than that so I waited for a relationship that was special enough.”